Ushijima Architects, Inc. (UAI) has developed a highly effective Quality Control Program (QCP), and as a result of the effectiveness of our QCP, clients have enjoyed a minimal amount of change orders during their projects. In fact, UAI’s average change order record for over ten years is less than one percent of the construction costs for additional project costs caused by incomplete construction documents. Utilizing our QCP, UAI’s final documents and specifications are clear, concise, and contain minimal errors or omissions.
UAI’s Quality Control Program is founded in the following principles:
Consistent Project Management
One Project Manager is assigned to your project; from start to final completion. With consistent project management, important design concepts and visions are thoroughly incorporated into the final details in the construction documents. Potential change orders to add important client information that was forgotten during the project are not required. Your Project Manager, with thorough knowledge of your project, will ensure all information is incorporated into the final construction drawings, specifications, and construction.
In-House Quality Review
In addition to project reviews by your Project Manager and the project’s consulting engineers, UAI will assign a senior Project Manager to perform schedule “coordination” and “constructability” reviews of the documents. During this review, the senior Project Manager will be analyzing your project similar to how contractors will scrutinize the final drawings. Coordination issues and omissions are found and corrected before drawings are released by UAI. Final drawings and specifications will not be released until the senior Project Manager confirms the documents meet UAI’s standard of quality.
Scheduled Progress Drawings
On a scheduled basis, “progress drawings” (think of a “rough draft”) are distributed to the entire design team and to the owner for review and comment. Utilizing progress drawings, coordination is maintained during the entire process of preparing the final drawings and specifications.
Early Delivery of Consultant’s Drawings
The lack of coordination between an architect’s final drawings and the final drawings of the architect’s consulting engineers can have a significant impact on potential change orders. At UAI, all consultants on the design team are required to complete and deliver their final drawings to UAI before the final drawings are scheduled to be completed and released to contractors. UAI’s project managers will spend this time scrutinizing the consultant’s final drawings making sure all components of the final drawings are coordinated and are acceptable to UAI’s Quality Control Program.
Ushijima Architects, Inc. prides itself in the quality of the firm’s construction documents and the resulting minimal amount of change orders realized by our clients.
“Ushijima Architects, Inc. has been doing architectural, interior design, and project management work for Chaminade University for over fourteen years. We consider them our campus architectural firm…Without exception, Ushijima Architects, Inc. has been mindful of meeting budgets and project deadlines.”
Michael W. Haisen
Former Director of Facilities
Chaminade University of Honolulu